Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Why should anyone want perfume?

Perfume gives pleasure. It's as simple as that.

It gives pleasure to the woman who wears it. It gives pleasure to those who pass her by -- or stop.

Sometimes we make too much of perfume. We demand excellence in the graphics and packaging. The bottle's shape must be pleasing (even though it's just paper and glass and has no scent itself!) The brand and associations, the company or the personality, the advertising and "perfume reviews." It all gets into our head and we THINK. But perfume wasn't made for thinking. In thinking we lose the pleasure.

Try it. Make a Zen exercise out of it. Study the perfume alone.

Use it. On a smelling strip perhaps. And then forget it. Until the scent makes itself know, after you had forgotten it was there.

Then you're smelling the perfume. The perfume alone, and it gives pleasure.


  1. Perfume s depicted as an image, one feels that will somehow gain something of interest..This interest could be in the form of a youthful memory, or someone of the opposite or same sex..Now I will have to agree with the previous comments, the fragrance world has changed from the development and rarity of perfumes, in this day there are plenty to chose from. There are yet a few that deem to be elite to hundreds of others.Reason for this, is that there are "Self( perfumer) and there are "Perfumer" that love the art of "Fragrance"...its not the "Perfume"..its Perfumer & his or her perfumery ethics..Many time perfumers forget the art, and money become more of a drive & factor. Forgetting there craft and involvement of something great, as to an artwork. Leads them to become "Self( perfumer), which leads to the countless created fragrance, by the well known marketing groups..Leaving little of no room at all for a truly "Great Work of Art" ... Are there any Perfumers out there from today or yesterday's world??//
