Monday, March 14, 2011

Perfume - A Man's Armor

Once in conversation a friend expressed the opinion that, in the business world, a man's suit was his armor. With his suit on a man takes on the world, just as the knights of old wore armor to do battle. I had never seen men's suits in this light (my father bought and sold men's suits for a living) but I was fascinated by my friend's thought. The idea that we do things in the morning before we leave the house to brace ourselves for the tricky tides and currents we may confront during the day.

This thought about girding ourselves in armor before heading to the office came back to me the other day but it wasn't men's suits I was thinking of, it was a men's fragrance called Toxic.

I created Toxic for sensory stimulation alone, not for seduction or office appropriate. Once the initial exposure has been absorbed, women tolerate it; men say grows on them. But perhaps because I've never warmed to the big brands of men's colognes, I find Toxic quite pleasant and, as I said, it provides sensory stimulation.

But I was noticing that on days when I really want a boost I find myself reaching for Toxic in the morning, long before my first cup of coffee. Toxic seems to set me up for the day and I think I'm using it in the same way my friend saw men using suits -- as armor, protection, a psychological tool in physical form, a preparation to do battle.

The funny thing about the composition of Toxic is that, with the exception of one essential oil (which gives it it's unique quality), the rest of the ingredients would more likely be found in a woman's perfume than in a man's cologne. Perhaps that's why it agrees with me. I do love perfume on women. Once your nose sorts out the smell a bit, Topic is richer and more complex than what so many men slap on in the morning to please their women (and bomb out their co-workers!) But I can picture Toxic on Wall Street, just as I can picture it on a ragged poet. Of course there are a lot of in between situations where a whiff of Toxic would stir many feathers.

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